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  一说到英语词汇,许多人就有一种天然的恐惧感,总觉得英语的词汇量那么大,要如何下手?其实这个问题实在很简单。我们都很熟悉的朗文词典有个很大的特点,就是词典用于释义的单词被控制在2000个常用词范围之内,换言之,只要掌握这2000个常用词,理论上就可以用来描述这个世界了。这些常用词全部都列在词典最后的所谓Defining Vocabulary之内。大家不妨从这些常用词开始掌握。再说说牛津词典,最新版的牛津高阶英语词典所使用的释义词为3000个。这样,我们就有了第一个方向,将词汇量从2000常用词扩大到3000常用词。很显然,用3000个常用词来描述世界要比用2000个更加精确。


  举个单词源于词根的例子,我们知道,“水”的英语单词是 water,但是英语中有许多和“水”有关的单词并不包含 water,作为构词成分,water 有个对应的拉丁语词根 aqua,例如 aquamarine(宝蓝色的,海蓝色的),aquanaut(潜水员),aquarium(水族馆,养鱼池)等等都是和“水”有关的单词。此外,黄道十二星座中的水瓶座(或称宝瓶座)的英语单词 Aquarius 也是源自 aqua,Aquarius 的字面含义即为“担水的人”。我很喜欢的,也是我的小外甥女很喜欢的 Aqua 乐队(中文译名“水叮当”)直接用了拉丁文。

  我对英语单词了解得越多就越发现它们与我们的汉字有不少神似之处。好比说,汉字有独体字,如:人、口、手等等,相应的,英语单词也有不少“独体字”:man,hand,year,etc.而且英语单词的“独体字”还往往有对应的希腊语或拉丁语词根,与上面提到的这几个单词相对应的词根分别是 anthrop(源自希腊语),chiro(源自希腊语),ann/enn(源自拉丁语)。进而,由这些词根作为基础,就派生出许多英语单词来,例如:anthropoid(类人猿),anthropology(人类学),philanthropy(博爱,慈善);chirography(笔迹;书法),chiromancer(手相家);anniversary(周年纪念),annual(每年的,年度的),biennial(两年一次的)等等,这些都和汉字的独体字加上偏旁部首有异曲同工之处。

  英语单词有规律可寻的就是通过词根(roots / stems)产生的单词。词根加上前缀(prefixes)、后缀(suffixes)就变成一个个单词。前缀与后缀统称为词缀(affixes)。广义而言,所有的词根不是前缀就是后缀,就是说不是处于一个单词的前面位置就是后面位置,为了避免混淆,我们这里的前缀、后缀、词根都使用狭义概念。有不少单词除了前缀后缀不止有一个词根,也有不少单词只由词根构成。

  前缀长短不一,短的有1~3个字母构成,它有几个基本作用,例如表示否定、重复、时间先后、方位内外上下、数字、国家等等。就常用的举例来说,前缀a-,anti-,counter-,dis-,il- / im- / in- / ir-,mis-,un- 等都表示否定;re-表示重复;ante-,centr-,ex-,extro-,intro-,pre-,post-,sur-,sub- 等表示时间先后或者具体抽象的方位;Anglo-,Franco-,Sino- 等都表示国家。

  表示数字1~10的前缀就有两种,分别来自希腊语和拉丁语。希腊语的对应前缀是mono-,duo- / di-,tri-,tetra-,penta-,hexa-,hepta-,这是1~7,10是deka- / dec-;拉丁语的对应前缀比较完整,1~10分别是uni-,bi- / duo-,tri-,quad- / quart-,quint-,***t-,sept-,oct- / octo-,nona- / novem-,dec- / deca-。此外,与数字有关的前缀还有cent-(one hundred),multi-(many),prim- / prin-(first),second- / second- / sec-(second),ambi-(both),equi-(equal),omni-(all),semi- / sem-(half),demi-(half),这些源自拉丁语;hemi-(half),pan-(all),这几个源自希腊语。

  后缀比较单纯,其基本作用是表示否定、词性等等。最常用的表示否定的后缀就是-less了,这个后缀也表示这个词为形容词,其它常用的形容词后缀还有-able / -ible,-ac / -iac,-al,-ant,-ent,-ful,-ic / -ical,-ine,-ish,-ive,-ly,-ose,-ous等等;常用的名词性后缀也有不少,如-ability / -ibility,-acy / -cy,-age,-ance / -ancy,-ary / -arium,-dom,-ence / -ency,-er / -or / -yer,-ery,-hood,-ion / -tion,-ism / -ist,-ness,-oid / -oda / -ode,-ory / -orium等等;常用的动词性后缀有-ate,-fy,-ize / -ise等等;许多副词以-ly结尾,但是一个名词加上-ly时成为形容词,如friendly。



  英语里有很多学科名称以-ology或-logy结尾,这个词根的意思是study of…,因此前面的词根就决定了到底是什么学科了。常见的例如:

  anthropology(人类学),the scientific study of people, their societies, cultures etc.;

  archaeology,archeology(考古学),the study of ancient societies by examining what remains of their buildings, graves, tools etc.;

  astrology(占星术,占星学),the study of the relationship between the movements of the stars and planets and their influence on people and events;

  cytology(细胞学),the scientific study of cells from living things;

  dermatology(皮肤医学,皮肤病学),the part of medical science that deals with the skin, its diseases, and their treatment;

  entomology(昆虫学),the scientific study of insects;

  etymology(语源学),the study of the origins, history, and changing meanings of words;

  geology(地质学),the study of materials such as rocks, soil, and minerals, and the way they have changed since Earth was formed;

  gerontology(老人医学),the scientific study of old age and the changes it causes in the body;

  ichthyology(鱼类学),the scientific study of fishes;

  meteorology(气象学),the scientific study of weather conditions;

  neurology(神经学,神经病学),the scientific study of the nervous system and its diseases;

  numerology(数字命理学),the study of numbers and their influence on people and events;

  ornithology(鸟类学),the scientific study of birds;

  pathology(病理学),the study of the causes and effects of illnesses;

  petrology(岩石学),the study of rocks;

  pharmacology(药理学,药物学),the scientific study of drugs and medicines;

  philology(语言学),the study of the way languages develop and the relationship between languages;

  psephology(选举学),the study and statistical analysis of elections and trends in voting; the prediction of electoral results;

  theology(神学),the study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs;

  zoology(动物学),the scientific study of animals and their behavior。


  acoustics(声学),the scientific study of sound;

  aeronautics(航空学,航空术),the science of designing and flying airplanes;

  aesthetics,esthetics(美学,审美学),the study of beauty, especially beauty in art;

  dietetics(营养学),the science that is concerned with what people eat and drink and how this affects their health;

  genetics(遗传学),the study of how the qualities of living things are affected and passed on by genes;

  linguistics(语言学),the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history;

  logistics(后勤学),the study or skill of moving soldiers, supplying them with food etc.;

  orthodontics(畸齿矫正术,正齿学),the practice or skill of making teeth move into the right position when they have not been growing correctly。


  astronomy(天文学),the scientific study of the stars and planets;

  gastronomy(美食学,烹饪法),the art and science of cooking and eating good food;

  botany(植物学),the scientific study of plants;

  demography(人口统计学),the study of how human populations change, for example the study of how many births, deaths, marriages etc. happen in a particular place at a particular time;

  topography(地形学),the science of describing an area of land, or making maps of it;

  horticulture(园艺学),the practice or science of growing flowers, fruit, and vegetables;

  jurisprudence(法学,法理学),the science or study of law;

  obstetrics(产科学),the part of medical science that deals with the birth of children;

  pedagogy(教育学),the practice of teaching, or the study of teaching;

  podiatry(足病学,足医术),the part of medical science that deals with diseases of the foot。



